Friday, June 22, 2012

Transition Time

Hello Nemo! :)

It's been quite a while since I've written anything to you, so I apologize. I just finished cleaning my room and am taking a short break before I begin packing, I'm heading home soon. I'm really happy to head back, the weather will be more tolerable (but today's weather is lovely!) and I'll get home-made food!! I'm really excited about that, and the best of all: I get to see family again and bake! You know I love to bake, perhaps I bake too much.

Well Nemo, this is so strange to say but I feel like I'm going to transition into another chapter of my book of life. That's not a bad thing, I think, but it is a strange feeling. I guess it feels strange because I've recognized a few of those times in the past and the result is sitting here typing this. I think it'll be a change for the better, but maybe that's because I'm listening to "7 Days to the Wolves". I remember how Nightwish helped me a lot during one of the toughest transitions in my life. And now here we are, just a short 4 or so years later, I'm listening to them again, and this time... this time I feel more empowered than hopeful. Does that make sense? I know it's strange to say, but now I feel like I can do anything I set my mind and work to instead of just thinking of the possibility of doing something. I'm excited to see where this journey will lead, what will be the destination? Will the destination change as I keep going forward? Whatever the case, I'm sure everything will turn out okay.

Nemo, you probably think I'm a little weird for saying it's a transition period, after all every time the school year ends I must transition between my more independent life at school to my less independent life at home. Although I think that will happen again, I think I will be able to retain more independence this time around. This time, I'm sure there are changes that will not go unnoticed, and they are good changes. I look forward to seeing you again. Like always, let us journey forward.

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